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About The CEO

Catt Lash Cosmetics LLC

     I'm Malisha Nicole (Mimi), I'm single mother of two beautiful girls and the Owner/CEO of Catt Lash Cosmetics, and Catt's Closet (Catt's Inc.). I decided to start my own business in the beauty industry because I am a lover of all things beauty. I was introduced to the beauty world in high school where I seen two of my older cousins begin and finish cosmetology school. I remember braiding my brothers hair, and styling my family and friends hair. I was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN where I currently reside with my family. I went to cosmetology school straight after high school where. While in cosmetology school I became pregnant with my first daughter, and decided to take a break from school and care for my daughter. It wasn’t until 2010 that i decided to go finish cosmetology school, and graduated December 2010. I got my license and worked with some of the best hair stylist in MN, but hair was not my passion. I then went to work for corporate company’s after becoming pregnant with my second child, and needed to provided a stable income to care for my children. In April of 2013 I was diagnosed with SLE Lupus after having a complicated pregnancy and giving birth to my second daughter. I then needed an outlet something to keep my mind off of being diagnosed with an auto immune disease that I now have to live with for the rest of my life, and to reduce the stress of flares. That's when I began to dig into the skin area of cosmetology. Lupus can effect your skin as well so I began with a skin care regimen that worked for my skin, and also began to play in makeup. I began watching YouTube videos of beauty bloggers and buying makeup to practice in. After a year and a half of perfecting my craft I decided to offer makeup services to the community. I’ve been providing makeup services to my community for about two years now. I’m now ready to take my vision in this industry further. I’m launching my own cosmetics line and boutique right here online. I will provide high quality products and clothing to those around the world. My goal is to bring you all nothing but the best right from the comfort of your own home. My website will bring you a one stop shop experience where you can purchase beauty products as well as clothing. Thank you for visiting, and make sure you share with your friends so they too can experience Catt's Inc. XO Mimi.

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